Organized hikes are scheduled for Tuesdays and run from June through September. Additional ad hoc hikes are frequently organized among members.
Click the Contact button and request to be added to the Wolfpack list if you're not already receiving emails.
What is Expected: No one should attend a hike unless they are in shape to climb up and down hills. All hikers are expected to be able to follow hiking directions and not hold up the group or run too far ahead. To determine if you should be joining an off mountain hike use the following Wolf Laurel hike as a barometer. You should be able to hike from the beginning of Nature Trail to the top of Big Bald in under 3 hours.
You will need proper equipment: fannypack/backpack, ample water and food, poles, medical supplies (bee stings, falls, blisters), sun screen, repellent, foul weather gear, hiking boots and proper clothing.
Carpools are formed for hikes outide of Wolf Laurel. Base on rising fuel prices, expect to chip in $5 per person if you are not driving.
* denotes hike leader prefers you reply to the email they send out a few days ahead of the hike date.